Start Each Day on a Positive Note!
Everyday I make a decision to have a good day. This is a conscience decision because I believe life is too short to be in a bad mood when you don't have to. I have known folks who rather enjoy being in a bad mood. Well honey, that is not me. That's not to say I don't have occasional help with the process. I do like my cup of coffee in the morning and that helps me get my mind in focus and it gets me awake. After I am awake then the decision is mine to make and I do. There is nothing better than to enter the office door in the morning with a great big smile and warm greetings for your co-workers. When you do this it automatically urges others to return the gesture. It's very contagious to wear a big smile on your face when greeting folks because in most cases they will smile right back. I've found some quotes that are appropriate for this topic that I want to share. Feel free to share some of your own if you have some. I find that quotes help me put together feelings and words that I sometimes cannot put together myself.